Tune in, something for everyone.

Comic books, novels, books, music, art, whatever. Definitely not a genius, and not here to give you the exclusive scoop or the response you may want. But this is a blog, that is about the things that I enjoy and the things I want to write about. Certainly there will be something that will interest you and others that will not. Perhaps we have the same tastes and maybe we don’t. Serpents Lair is a domain to which people will tell me what they like too and suggest things I might be of interest to me. Certainly, I will attempt to do everything that could and hopefully will be suggested, but I won’t make promises. Unlike the superheroes I read about, I don’t have the ability to be at all places at once. Although, these fictious acquaintances of mine do have the unique gift of being able to provide a service to their loyal fans, as I hope to.

Don’t know how rough this will be in establishing, but hoping that this will become something great soon. For those whom want to keep tabs on my music, suggest other bands and artists for me, I have a LastFm account that I use through streaming music off my phone. Didn’t get to use it for a while because the Macbook i had kicked the bucket, so to speak, and the Ipods I’ve had over the years have failed to endure the damage I’ve inflicted on them. But here and now, i have everything I need, and everything I really want. So hopefully you will stay tune, as I put the wheels in motion.

Feel it was relevant to mention that I order my comic books online, and the reviews might come weeks after the release in stores, due to shipping times that fluctuate between 2-3 weeks. Although, this is the fact, it should not deter you in being apart of what I continue to say is a hopeful endeavour, with plenty to offer.