The Inbetweeners Movie


The boys head to Malia, Crete for a much needed holiday together, but all is not as expected. Love flourishes for the four boys, meeting a group of young girls who take a liking to them, but things don’t initially go down smoothly. It all finds its resolve in the end and each of the boys finds love, but these happen in the most unexpected ways you could ever imagine.


The Inbetweeners Movie is a surprisingly good watch; there are lots of laughs, plenty of crude jokes and a happy ending to an eventful trip for the boys, but there are some things I found to be quite poor for me and that stuck out in the film.

Will, Simon, Jay and Neil are charming as ever in The Inbetweeners Movie, cracking witty jokes left, right and centre they never miss a beat when it comes to the humour, always on the ball and frightfully funny.

Will is as annoying and frank as always in the movie, but he hits it up marvelously with Alison whom seems to see past the awkward speech and attitude and the chemistry between the two finds its suitable conclusion, with Alison giving Will the chance to be her boyfriend.

Jay, the sex nut, drops as many crude jokes as can ‘fit’ in the movie, and it is a hilarious sight to see him in action. Sex crazed and misguided, he leads himself into more trouble then he deserves, and this breaks him at least once in the film. Fruitless attempts to blend in as a normal guy see Jay stick more so to the outskirts then epicentre, but it is his attitude that causes him this strife. Jane, a larger than ordinary girl is brought into the movie to show Jay that although a girl may not be fit in his eyes, she can be exactly what he needs and wants. Jane is played perfectly, wild and alive, giving Jay a run for his money, but also, she brings out the sensitive side to him, and gets him out of his stereotypical habits and bad attitude.

Neil is a spirit without bounds, nothing holds him back and in The Inbetweeners Movie it is no exception, he is just plain funny. Neil takes things in his own stride; he shags some nanas, blasts everyone away with his horrendous dance moves and uses fake-tan on his face, all adding to and making it a ridiculously hilarious experience and a memorable trip to say the least.

Simon, the most normal one in the group is the one that seems to be the one most alone, he loses Carli his girlfriend just before their trip and can’t get over her, but a chance opportunity has presented itself with cringe worthy moments, as he tries to win her back, only to be saddened and embarrassed. Simon plays it so realistically as he puts himself on the line to have Carli, and he feel some sympathy for him. But Lucy, one of the four girls the boys partner with, takes a liking to Simon, having to take the brunt of his callousness and at times Simon just pushes her aside. Lucy stands by him though, and there are moments that shone through that show the connection felt and the truly deep feelings that they have for each other. Simon comes to see this, and as hilarious as the result is, it is sweet what he does for Lucy to prove his worth and rectify the situation, redeeming himself.

The Inbetweeners Movie is a good movie to watch, but I cannot fathom why they had to take such an approach to make Jane look like a fat undesirable woman, when in fact she is gorgeous and has a well-shaped figure. It is so redundant to take this view of larger girls, and seemed a bit of a step back for me in the film. Crude jokes on her behalf seemed a bit too surreal, not all people act like that. James too seemed too false for me too, men are indeed piggish like that but he was just nauseating at times, and too much of a blokes bloke. Besides these things, I found the movie to be good and filled to the brim with laughter. Beats a lot of movies out there now, go see it.